About Us
Clarity on Health is an Australian business dedicated to carrying out research into medical issues and communicating the findings effectively.
We started in December 2021 and are currently concentrating on examining responses by Australian governments and organisations to the covid pandemic.
The first project in this area was the Australian Survey of Reasons for COVID-19 Vaccination, which provides evidence that thousands of Australians felt they were coerced to be injected. It is hoped that data from this project will be used in a future Royal Commission on the response to covid.
Our Mandate Update project began in August 2022 and has helped to document which large employers were mandating the covid injections. This project is no longer running, but past data is available on request.
Our Excess Deaths project was launched in February 2023, aiming to raise awareness of the fact that deaths in 2022 in Australia were hugely higher than normal. This project evolved into www.excessdeathstats.com, a collaboration with Monica Smit, founder of Reignite Democracy Australia. The aim is to research and build awareness of excess deaths worldwide.
The editor and founder of Clarity on Health is Clare Pain BSc (Hons), MSc. Clare is a former statistician and has over a decade’s experience as a science writer and medical journalist. She is available to talk about any of these projects.
This website is a repository for past projects. Clare mainly communicates about the current work of Clarity on Health through the Substack site, clarityonhealth.substack.com/